The Village

Slides and water games
At Le Village du Père Noël, nothing beats our water games for pure refreshing fun!
The Village has two specially adapted water slides that allow youngsters from 2 to 8 years to have loads of fun and slide in total safety. Unlike water slides for adults, the Village slides do not end on a body of water, but on a safer surface for little ones. So, yes: Santa Claus has thought of everything! A first waterslide introduces them to the joys of the sliding on water while the second is designed for stronger sensations. Good news: Mom and Dad can accompany their children and slide in duos! Also visit our brand new slides that will please everyone.

Adventure trails
The Village has over 20 stations where children can climb, pull themselves up, slide, squeeze through… in short, have fun and challenge themselves, while burning their excess energy!
The Village also offers a training centre for elves! Since all young kids dream to one day accompany Santa Claus and help him to distribute his gifts, they can prepare for the task at the Village by climbing a wall in the shape of a chimney and going up a giant staircase. An electromagnetic retaining device allows them to develop their skills in complete safety.

Farm animals
In the Village, it is possible to get up close and personal with many farm animals: goats, sheep, miniature horses, ponies and alpacas. Walking among the animals, the whole family can enjoy the surprising beauty of nature and its animal life.
The Quebec Ministry of Forestry, Wildlife and Parks has issued a directive that it would be prudent to remove the deer because of the risk of contamination of the herd with Covid-19. For the moment, the deer are still at the North Pole, but the Ministry may allow them to return (we will keep you posted).

Magic shows
Every day at 1:30pm during summer, Jeremy James, our in-house magician, puts on a short magic show with Christmas as its theme. This period of calm allows the children to “recharge their batteries” after a good meal.

Santa Claus’ home
As usual, Santa welcomes the little ones to his residence and receives their gift list.
Are you not satisfied and would like to see more? We invite you to look at the multiple photos available in Google Images!
The Village in winter

Tube slides
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Hebertism activities
The Village has over 20 stations where children can climb, pull themselves up, slide, squeeze through… in short, have fun and challenge themselves, while burning their excess energy!
The Village also offers a training centre for elves! Since all young kids dream to one day accompany Santa Claus and help him to distribute his gifts, they can prepare for the task at the Village by climbing a wall in the shape of a chimney and going up a giant staircase. An electromagnetic retaining device allows them to develop their skills in complete safety.

Farm animals
In the Village, it is possible to get up close and personal with many farm animals: goats, sheep, miniature horses, ponies and alpacas. Walking among the animals, the whole family can enjoy the surprising beauty of nature and its animal life.

Santa's Residence
As usual, Santa welcomes the little ones to his residence and receives their gift list. Since he is very elderly (467 years old!), like our grandparents he is particularly at risk of contracting COVID-19 and we obviously can’t be around him at this time. Santa Claus will therefore exchange live with your children in “telepresence”, thanks to the magic of technology via a satellite link with the North Pole where he will be safe.
Are you not satisfied and would like to see more? We invite you to look at the multiple photos available in Google Images!
Any questions?
Here are some answers!
Good news: the activities are almost all available! Santa Claus, elves, mascots, modules, water slides… WE ARE WAITING FOR YOU! Look at the icons next to each activity to see if it’s Open or Closed!
No, we are sorry.
Everything has been done to ensure that you find an answer to all your questions, without you having to bother to write or call us. Be sure to check out all sections of the website, or the Frequently Asked Questions FAQs where all questions are grouped together.
And if you do not find the answer you are looking for, do not hesitate to contact us by filling out the form available on the Contact Us page, or by calling us at 1 800 287-6635.